Ricke Andersson

I have known about mr Andersson since I was 13 yrs or something. He came to my hometown for a band competition with his band Sinful Rose. I was sooo impressed. It was for me like watching Led Zeppelin or Cream or The Who had been for older generations.

Well fast forward 5 years or so. I had moved to his home town and was now studying music. I was getting a reputation and was playing in as many bands as 12 at the most.

One of the bands was the guitar player from Sinful Rose called Monkeyhouse and another was a coverband called Tequila Twins.

of course I have fiddled with a lap-steel. I am a Lanois fan u know

There I met and was an equal to my former idols. Funny how life is. Fast forward to 2014. Ricke called me and asked if I could and would produce his album. We tracked something like 17 songs and ended up with 14 I think.

totally fake pic. LOL. taken for other reasons

musically a mixture of folk, country, pop and rock. Interesting and intimidating at the same time.

jonas, franck, music, musik, musiikki, tuotanto, production, produktion, producent, tuottaja, turku, åbo, finland
a banjo is a must

I made it and I’m proud of what became my first production.