Moving States

Sadly I moved from Turku and had to leave this great group of interesting musicians. I got in touch with them through an ad on an online forum. They were looking for a bass player and was playing progressive psychabilly electro music. Of course I had to join.

We became good friends and gathered once a week for a few years. Wrote great music and had a great time together. All the best to them. Below links to soundcloud and pictures.

Pasi Nurmi the mind, heart and soul of the band. Spectacular guitar player
Clara on vocals. A show girl that loves Swedish svensktoppen and jazz. Try to fit that into Prog rock LOL
Timo Peuhkuri on keys. A jazz piano guy who we made buy a synth…
Fun times in a sweaty attic of an old factory. I’m not a lefty the pic is skewed
me and Pasi at a Steven Wilson show.
me at my green room studio where I mixed the album