Corpse Feet Blog

February Update

Happy Valentine!

If you celebrate it. Me not so much. At the moment at home with a cold.

I am working on the following release "Loathing (A)" or it's actually ready so will send it off for publishing today. Will be out 23 March.

Also have planned to do a kind of radio show/podcast and will publish them on mixcloud and soundcloud. It will be about not only Corpse Feet but the origin of me and other work I've done the last 10+ years. I have contacted my collaborators and will have them on the show for a chat. Link button below.

Other stuff:

I've been rehearsing with my other groups "Gonzo Jimbonzo" (swamp-funk-disco-pop) and "Magnificient Colours" (Jazz-fusion-prog) for some upcoming gigs in march.

Writing new music/lyrics with the material I gathered in France last year. Will become something completely different.

Mixing the third EP "Loving (P)" for an April release and wondering if I'll have to re-sing some of the songs. I've taken some CVT (Complete Vocal Technique) classes and am expanding my range and control. Hmm. Well let's see.

Eat some cake and drink some champagne!!

chin chin, JF aka Corpse Feet

Corpse Feet Blog

Losing (L)

The first EP has been released, but what is it all about? It contains 4 songs all somehow about losing (freedom, privacy, control, hope).
The EP is a collaboration between me and my co producer Big Willy, drummer Rasse Puranen and the artwork was made by Lina Franck.

  1. Afternoon Afterlife
    The song starts off as a mid to slow tempo Elton John pastiche and the lyrics describe how we exploit others in their most vulnerable states. It's a frustration in how we're maybe not always living our own lives but instead feast on other peoples and so on. Listen for the twist in tempo changes, there are two. Ending in a light childrens rhyme style with whistling and all...
  2. Black Tar Eyes
    This one's a bit heavier with a fantastic drum groove by my supreme drummer friend Rasmus Puranen banging on the tom-toms. A shuffle groove that occasionally moves into a straight 8 beat in the "choruses'' and the bridge/solo. The story is easy to grasp. Addiction comes in many forms and is a curse. Even if you realize you have one doesn't help you to get out of them...
  3. From Here to Forever
    A ballad in the style of Jeff Buckley (at least that was what I intended). Un edited for the most part and including a sort of bass solo. Feeling naked and helpless, hopeless. Without any sign of a better tomorrow. A very personal story and I hope you can relate. It's not easy to find your place in the world or in romance.

Night Train to Basel
Last but not least a true story from the night train between Hamburg and Basel. The police rudely pick out and pick on people that don't look white enough. We can't keep on doing this. It's the 21st century for f**k sake. Musically it's a play with the loose strings on a bass, or should I say the tuning of 4 string Bass. E-D-G-A-D...

Til next time, cheers JF


    Happy New Year

    A bit late but early if you mean Chinese new year. The year of the Tiger. Sidenote I will get to see my heroes Duran Duran this year for the first time ever.

    This year will take of where the last ended, meaning releasing new music and more…

    Yesterday in the latest issue of PROG magazine Isle of Joy and Jonas Franck Production was mentioned and ‘reviewed’ in short. Bands mentioned in association were Rush, Pink Floyd, Billy Joel, Nick Cave and of course Steely Dan and Zappa.

    Next week friday 11 february a new song called Apan from Peter Törnroth will hit the streaming sites.

    ’til next time. Keep on rockin in the free world!


    Merry X-mas & Happy New Year

    What a year

    I am proud to have released no less than 36 songs (3 hours) this year. That's 6 singles, 1 EP and 4 albums by all in all 5 different artists.

    Many thanks to them: Peter Törnroth, WILDFLOWER, Mostly Franck, Moving States and Isle of Joy.

    Wishing for a prosperous 2022 with more new music from all above and more...



    Hi all, I’ve updated my homepage and hope for feedback. So feel free to contact me if you have thoughts.

    check out my latest realeases WILDFLOWER
    and Peter Törnroth Dom Kallar Det Livet

    Escpecially the Artist pages. Is it ok? hope so took some hours LOL

    cheers/ Jonas


    Mostly Franck 2018

    A Story of Music and lyrics

    We're dedicating this year to discovering and rediscovering our music as Mostly Franck. Poetry and music working together to create something new.

    We're publishing a new song every Tuesday for the whole year of 2018. Poetry from the Swedish speaking part of Finland. From Runeberg in the 1800's through Edith Södergran in the early 1900's to contemporary poets like Hannele Mikaela Taivassalo or Peter Sandström in the 2000's.


    Always mixing it up with the sounds from our time and sources of inspiration.